Monday, June 1, 2009


Hello My Friends,

It is 3:25 in the morning, and I am having a blast looking for new ways to promote the magazine. My name is Comfort Sakoma and I am a third year student at the University of Toronto. I am studying Political Science and I love it (well not really). My interests include  working on Poize Magazine, swimming, singing, watching movies, reading novels, debating on issues with regards to everything ranging from the depiction of women in some media,  to international and foreign affairs. 

I was born in Northern Nigeria (Niger State), grew up in montreal (yes I speak French; for those who want proof- bonjour!). I moved to Toronto at 15 years old- and have been here ever since. I love Chinese, Indian, Italian, Spanish and Middle Eastern food. But... there is nothing more delicious that semolina served with okra and cat fish (please look this wonderful Nigerian dish up- you will not be disappointed). 

I currently work as the founder and publisher of the worlds hottest new magazine. It's called POIZE MAGAZINE. It is available internationally through subscription on our site at The mission of the magazine is important and will motivate women, to join us as we journey through the lives of several women who have and continue to shape the communities we live in. 

This blog was created in the spirit of 'open dialogue', that Poize Magazine supports. We wanted to create a haven where women could come and discuss issues close to their hearts. HERE IT IS! Your comments may be selected for publishing in our magazine.

With Love,

Comfort Sakoma
Founder and Publisher Poize Magazine !


I affirm from this day forward,
I along with all my sisters,
I am more than my backside,
More than my hair,
More than my skin tone,
I am beautiful

Sunday, May 31, 2009

what are women thinking?


As usual i feel the need to express myself. Atimes more than i should, but my bad habit has led me to throw this question out there "what are women thinking" ?. We are complicated creatures YES! we know, we don't say what's on our mind and the works etc. My response, excuse me for asking you to be a little sensitive to something other than sports. Since they like sports so much i thought i should throw the ball on the court and tell the world what we are thinking. A little insight to the beautiful world of feminine inspired boredom. More like letting everyone know our thoughts, what could have triggered these thoughts and our many views on them.