Sunday, May 31, 2009

what are women thinking?


As usual i feel the need to express myself. Atimes more than i should, but my bad habit has led me to throw this question out there "what are women thinking" ?. We are complicated creatures YES! we know, we don't say what's on our mind and the works etc. My response, excuse me for asking you to be a little sensitive to something other than sports. Since they like sports so much i thought i should throw the ball on the court and tell the world what we are thinking. A little insight to the beautiful world of feminine inspired boredom. More like letting everyone know our thoughts, what could have triggered these thoughts and our many views on them.


  1. This is a genius idea!

  2. This is a really amazing- I am excited about this.

  3. this is indeed an opportunity for women to speak of themselves of their lives and experiences, to share thier thoughts with other women.
    We come from all parts of this world and should be able to add an incredibe amount of knowlege and information on who we are and what we want.

  4. Wow Comfort!! you've come so damn far! congratulations. I went to Maple High with you.. and i know every struggle you overcame to reach your dreams. Your a true inspiration.
    Truly, Poize is such an enlightenment to so many women out there, to stand up and realize that they are MORE.. more than what the world portrays them to be.
    Wish you greatest of success and happiness
